Finding Balance in Everyday Life
Hello Dear Ones:
As we explore balance in life and how transformative balance can be, innately, my hope is to guide each of us to explore balance in our mind, body and soul. Feeling into our energy can often tell us where we might need more balance in our lives and I love using the chakras and yoga postures as a way to realign our balance and transform our way of being.
Just this weekend I noticed my lower back and neck feeling a bit out of whack and then feeling a bit out of balance in my daily tasks. Well they certainly go together, don't they. Once I realigned my back this morning with some yoga poses, hip openers and lower back stretches. I became more aware of what needed to be accomplished today to feel back in balance in my daily tasks. (No pun intended) Saying no to a couple of requests (although that's not always easy) was one way to find balance again in my day.
What other ways might we find balance and align our energy in the mind, body and soul? Anatomically speaking, our sacrum is key to physical balance as it supports the pelvis and sits at the base of the spinal column. Spiritually, the sacrum or Svadhisthana, Sacral Chakra is the energy of flow like the water element. It is also the chakra that governs your emotions, your creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self-expression,” This week we will focus on sacral stabilizing postures for transformation and flow.
Pose of the Week
Sarvangasana Bridge Pose
May your day be filled with light and love,
Psst! Save the date for February 20, 2021 for a Virtual Self-Care Retreat!