Holiday Habits: Creating Self-Care Instead of Stress

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The current trend in holistic wellness circles is self-care.  Being a woman and working with mostly women,I am seeing more and more women wishing to address self-care as part of their lifestyle.  Of course, most of us know quite a bit about nutrition, exercise, sleep and a myriad of other ways to empower better choices. Between magazines at the check out line in grocery stores and the influx of information on the Web, we can have access to any amount of information we want, yet finding what’s right for us individually can be a bit more challenging.  We are often like circus jugglers, with many balls in the air, hoping not to drop one of them.

I can tell you many stories of miraculous shifts in people’s way of feeling better about themselves and their health after receiving Reiki treatments.  Reiki has been a gift that keeps giving in my life and has helped restore my own health and well-being during different phases of my life. Women’s health is a special focus of my practice.  Woman at all phases of life, early adolescence, young mothers, breastfeeding mothers, woman at peri and post menopausal phases of life can be supported with Reiki as a way to nurture themselves, bring in alternative methods for healing and experience the relaxation to feel more clarity, more health and more self-care.  Each session is unique and geared towards the individual. And as women we are often the center of our family and needing to be healthy to support others.

So notice the feeling this brings in for you.  Your right hand is filled with what’s creating stress in your life, the left hand is filled with self-care practices, which feels heavier, the right hand?  Simply open the right hand and let it go, then focus on bringing in what creates space, love, and light in your life, perhaps, it’s your favorite fragrance, a warm bath filled with lavender scents, or time unplugged from technology, perhaps a quiet dinner with a loved one.  

Habit stacking, or creating a foundation of healthy habits can lead to a life of optimal health.  We all have a toolbox filled with skills, ideas and ways of being and here is where we can tap into the divine gift.  Open yourself to the possibility of carving out time for you, whether that be daily exercise , reiki sessions, or simply being in nature or with positive people.

What can you offer yourself today in love and compassion?

Connect with me and my tribe on facebook, instagram, or in my new on-line offerings, Women of Wisdom, Oracle Cards and/or Reiki sessions or training.  Or contact me for a 1:1 oracle card reading.

Mantra for the day!  Eat well, live fully, move mindfully and be compassionate with yourself.  “I love myself fully and completely” Just for today, I am stress-free.

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Finding Peace and Love During Turbulent Times